Abstract submission
Deadline: March 31th, 2008
General information
Abstracts should be sent by E-mail to: ioana_nicolae2002@yahoo.com as an attached Word document using Word 97/2000/XP/2003 version. The abstract text should also be copied in the body of the E-mail, in case the attachment does not open.
Please specify Abstract in the subject line of the message. The corresponding author should include in the body of the E-mail his name, affiliation, full postal address, telephone, fax, and E-mail.
Please indicate the area of topics and the type of presentation you prefer (oral communication or poster). The Scientific Committee will evaluate abstracts and acceptance with the type of presentation will be notified to contributors on April 30th 2008 by E-mail.
Abstract format
Abstract font: use 12-point Times New Roman throughout.
Spacing: use single line spacing with one line space between title and authors, between authors and affiliations, as well as between affiliations and abstract text.
Justification: justify both left and right margins.
Margins: leave 2.5 cm margins all around (top/bottom/left/right).
Title: type in bold with initial capital only.
Author list: List all authors, using first name initial(s) and last name, indicating affiliations by superscript letters, and institution, city and country (country in brackets). Affiliations, institution, city and country must be in normal characters and the name of the presenting author must be underlined.
Abstract text length: 250 words maximum including title, names of authors and affiliations. Do not include tables or figures.
References: no citations should be used.
NOTE: Since all abstracts will be sent to the editor of Chromosome Research on April 2008, only abstracts from participants registered before March 31th, 2008 will be considered for publication in Chromosome Research.